Keynote by Dr. Shaun Woodly
Charged with an unstoppable passion for education, Dr. Shaun Woodly, a Hampton University alum, has left indelible marks on every rung of the academic ladder. From a dedicated K-12
Empowering Educators: Integrating Mindset Training to Combat Sex Trafficking
This session offers a unique perspective on combating sex trafficking through mindset training. Kathleen delves into traffickers’ psychological tactics, equipping educators w
From Tension to Trust: Effective Communication with Parents
Join special education attorney Nicole Hull for “From Tension to Trust: Effective Communication with Parents,” where she will unveil strategies to transform challenging
Self Care-Put Your Own Oxygen Mask On First
If you are responsible for other people (as a teacher, school leader, counselor, parent, nurse, caregiver, etc.), you have a responsibility to take care of yourself first so that y
I.N.S.P.I.R.E: 7 Systems for Transforming Underperforming Schools
To present and discuss how the I.N.S.P.I.R.E framework, in conjunction with the 7 Systems for transforming schools can be leveraged to increase student performance, with a specific
Behavioral Threat Assessment: Improving Safety By Building Relationships
This session will demonstrate how incorporating Behavioral Threat Assessment (BTA) and Verbal De-escalation techniques on a consistent basis have a positive impact on overall schoo
Breakout By Suzette Walden Cole, Ph. D.
Breakout session led by Suzette Walden Cole, Ph. D., the Co-Founder & Team Lead of Social Responsibility Speaks.
Building Successful School Climate and Lowering Discipline Incidents
Building meaningful relationships and having strong engagement activities in the classroom is essential to great school climate which will reduce opportunities for discipline incid
It’s Not Personal, It’s INTERpersonal
Interpersonal interactions can best be defined as, “being, relating to, or involving relations between persons.” While there are a variety of types of interpersonal interaction
Healing Little Hearts: Trauma-informed, Resilience-focused Early Childhood Care
Healing Little Hearts: Trauma-informed, Resilience-focused Early Childhood Care will discuss the science of stress and resilience while providing participants with practical tools
STRIVE for Greatness: Positive Influence for Future Impact
Explore how intentional connections and motivational strategies can empower students to achieve greatness and make a positive impact in society. Through practical insights and disc
Creating a Restorative Culture
During this dynamic seminar, participants will learn strategies to promote a culture of caring and belonging by; fostering connectedness, leading with empathy, building, maintainin